ND1 First Semester


This course is designed to enable the student acquire the necessary language and communication skills which will enable him/her to use the English Language in a business environment and to know the techniques of correspondence. 


1.0 Develop appropriate study skills in English Language. 

 2.0 Know the nature of language and the basic rules of grammar. 

 3.0 Appreciate literary works in English. 

 4.0 Understand the concept of communication. 

 5.0 Know how to make oral and written presentations. 

 6.0 Know the rules of comprehension and interpretation


This course is designed to enable the student to understand basic concepts of functions and geometry 


On completion of this course, students will be able to: 

 1. Understand the concept of function and relations 

 2. Understand some special properties of functions 

 3. Understand the algebra of functions 

 4. Understand the fundamental elements of trigonometry 

 5. Understand analytic geometry of a straight line 

 6. Understand the concept of symmetry and their application to comic sections


This course is designed to provide the student with basic knowledge of logic linear algebra


On completion of this course, the diplomat will be able to: 

 1. Understand the concept of logic and abstract thinking. 

 2. Understand the concept of permutations and combinations 

 3. Undertake binomial expansion of algebraic expressions. 

 4. Understand the algebraic operations of matrixes and determinants


This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic concepts of set theory and the theory of probability. 


On completion of this course, the diplomate will be able to: 

 1. Understand the concept of set and set operations 

 2. Understand mapping, functions and relations 

 3. Understand the concept of permutations and combinations as used in probability 

 4. Understand the concept of a sample space 

 5. Understand the basic concepts of probability


This course is designed to enable students to acquire a basic knowledge of descriptive statistics. 


On completion of this course the diplomate, should be able to:

 1. Understand the nature of statistical data, their types and uses

 2. Understand the procedures for collection of statistical data. 

 3. Understand the difference between total coverage and partial coverage in data collection 

 4. Understand the methods of data compilation 

 5. Understand the methods of data presentation


On completion of this course, the diplomats should be able to 

 1.0 Understand number system, codes and code conversion.

 2.0 Know the fundamental of Boolean Algebra 

 3.0 Know the implementation of the addition operation in the computer. 

 4.0 Understand small -Scale Integrated Circuit 

 5.0 Understand the concept and methodology of sequential circuit design.

6.0 Understand counter and Data transfer.


This course is designed to enable students to acquire a basic knowledge of computers 


On completion of this course the diplomat, should be able to: 

 1. Understand the history, classification and impact of computers. 

 2. Know the concept of computer hardware 

 3. Know the concept of computer software. 

 4. Understand computer data processing systems. 

 5 Know the procedures for computer and data preparation method. 

 6. Understand security and safety procedures within a computer environment. 

 7. Understand the concept of a computer network 

 8. Understand the use of the internet.

On completion of this course the student should be able to:
1.0 Understand the features of a good program.
2.0 To understand the concept of Algorithms and flowcharting.
3.0 Understand the principles of designing algorithms for common programming problems.
4.0 Understand General modular program design principles.
5.0 Understand the procedure n solving programming problems.
6.0 Understand the various levels of programming language.
7.0 Understand the concept of debugging and maintain programs.
8.0 To understand good programming practices.